A full valuable lesson earned from Sunday’s open space bazaar!

Our followers attend RC events to be a part of the experience and set the reminder of why we do what we do and who we do it for.

The point of those events is to make €€€ for brand’s longevity, but we could do it bigger, faster and easier online. Instead, we hold these sales face to face to bring us together.

On Sunday’s bazaar familiar and new faces showed up wearing their favorite pieces and stuffed their bags with fresh ones.

RC designers, sales guys, marketers, admin team worked the floor nonstop for a smooth pop-up store operation.

Definitely proved that the ‘Next Level indeed’ era is here.

THANK YOU for coming out this weekend, but thank you more for helping our society grow day by day and making it unmatched.

????: @apostoloszugouris

Production team: @romantsoathens , @dennisgr33n , @itselisavet , @ilianalioliou , @elena_gasteratou , @mariouki , @kostadina_ka , @s.sotiropoulou , @alex_angouridakis , @demar23 , @josephmouzakitis , @kalokairinos_g , @nikolas_tzathas , @juicy.athens , @ledudedj , @mikefiftyy , @georgetrou

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